Release notes describe changes, fixes, and additions to the Editions theme. Use this article to stay in the loop with Editions’ latest versions. Each version is listed below with the release date, version number, and changes included.
December 13th, 2024 - v13.3.2
- Updated fonts for Spring and Modern presets.
- Removed Light preset temporarily.
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August 8th, 2024 - v13.3.1
- Fixed an issue where disabling the "Show announcement" theme setting in the Announcement bar section would cause an error, disrupting theme functionality, including search functionality in the header.
May 8th, 2024 - v13.3.0
- Added image filter presentation type to the collection page and search page.
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February 20th, 2024 - v13.2.0
- Added "scheduled send" option to gift cards.
- Added filter swatches to collection and search result filtering.
- Added Shopify Pay Installments banner to product and cart page.
- Added Custom liquid block to product page and quickshop.
- Rebranded Twitter to X.
- Improved theme accessibility.
- Removed social media placeholder text.
- Converted select input settings to text alignment input settings.
- Added error messaging to newsletter form.
- Fixed product page image zoom functionality.
- Fixed error messaging for selling plan products.
- Fixed an issue where videos within the product gallery would continue playing after switching media.
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July 6th, 2023 - v13.1.0
- Added Gift card recipient form.
- Added Follow on Shop button.
- Fixed an issue in the Header section where header icons would appear above the search overlay when the Enable sticky header theme setting was enabled.
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April 3rd, 2023 - v13.0.0
- Added Section groups.
- Added a new theme setting to customize the "Continue shopping" link on the cart page.
- Updated the Predictive search feature to use the Predictive Search API.
- Updated the Predictive search feature to support Query suggestions.
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January 16th, 2023 - v12.3.0
- Added image focal point support.
How to set focal points for images in five steps
Minimum version required to use Shopify's focal point feature.
- Renamed "Recommended products" to "Related products".
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November 9th, 2022 - v12.2.0
- We've added a new Age gate feature and a Countdown timer section.
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October 19th, 2022 - v12.1.0
- Added Complementary products block.
Minimum version 12.1.0 required to use Shopify's Complementary Products feature
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September 19th, 2022 - v12.0.0
- Added FAQ section.
- Added Logo list section.
- Added Testimonials section.
- Added Inventory status block.
- Added section load-in animations.
- Added "Show border" theme setting to sections.
- Added loading icon to the Video section.
- Added "Text alignment" theme setting to the contact page.
- Added page templates (page.faq, page.our-story, page.look-book):
FAQ page
Story page
Lookbook page - Added custom product badges to product cards, Featured product sections, and product pages.
- Fixed an issue where pagination arrows were not vertically centered.
- Fixed an issue where the "Message" field on the contact page would not expand to 7 rows.
- Fixed an issue where drop-down links would become inaccessible when drop-down menus were placed below each other.
- Fixed an issue where inserted tabs would not function in Blog post sections and on the blog page.
- Fixed an issue where the numerical keyboard would not appear when clicking the quantity field on mobile devices.
- Fixed an issue where using faceted filtering would fail to work when the faceted filter tag contains special characters.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Show more' button would appear with the traditional pagination.
- Fixed an issue where the error message shown when a non-integer value is used for a cart item's quantity is not user-friendly and easy to read.
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June 6th, 2022 - v11.3.0
- We added schema locale files for setting labels to translate into English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.
Minimum version for Selling Internationally
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May 16th, 2022 - v11.2.0
- Expanded social media settings and icon options.
- Social links on the password template now use the regular text color.
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March 22nd, 2022 - v11.1.0
- Sections formerly limited to the home page and product page can now be added to all templates.
- Faceted filtering is now available on the search results page.
- The quick shop is now available for mobile devices.
Fixes and other improvements
- The add to cart button on Safari and in iOS will now work as expected when cart redirection is enabled.
- We've fixed the alignment of the product image with product thumbnails for the product page template.
- We've adjusted alignment for desktop navigation items to ensure they line up consistently.
- We've corrected the link to Editions documentation in the theme editor.
- The contact page will now display an error if the message body is left blank when submitting.
- Images included in custom pages will reflect the size set in the page editor.
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February 1st, 2022 - v11.0.1
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September 13th, 2021 - v11.0.0
- We added support for Shopify's Online Store 2.0 update, including:
- Sections formerly limited to the home page can now be added to the product page.
- Product sections now have the ability to add, remove, and move blocks of content around.
- Product sections can now include app blocks.
- New Custom liquid section.
- Header navigation can now open submenus even when javascript is disabled.
- Support for faceted filtering on collection pages, Shopify's new standardized filter system.
- Support for showing international tax-inclusive prices.
When updating to an Online Store 2.0 compatible version, the Theme Updater App is only able to preserve global theme settings (e.g. Colors, Typography). Content such as homepage sections will need to be rebuilt. This is a one-time process that is required to align with new templating standards and maintain theme performance.
Vintage theme versions
Theme versions listed below are considered vintage themes. Update to the latest version to optimize compatibility with Online Store 2.0 features.
June 2nd, 2021 - v10.3.1
- Social media settings are blank by default. No more unintentionally sending your customers to the wrong social accounts.
February 10th, 2021 - v10.3.0
- Add preconnect.
- Add preload attr for CSS, fonts, and JS.
- Add font-display: swap.
- Use async or defer for scripts.
- Display the selling plan in a theme by referencing the API property (subscription compatibility).
- Remove LQIP.
- Update cart pages and any AJAX carts to display a selling plan name on line items if present (subscription compatibility).
- Update order pages to display a selling plan name on line items if present (subscription compatibility).
January 19th, 2021 - v10.2.0
- Corrected issue causing scripts and styles to appear in section Liquid files erroneously.
- Tabs will now work in collection descriptions.
- We've added a new Image with text section.
- There is a new 'width' setting on static pages and blog post page.
- The theme now uses the more performant render tag instead of include.
October 27th, 2020 - v10.1.0
September 15th, 2020 - v10.0.2
- Slideshow now appears correctly, without a horizontal scroll bar, when there is only 1 slide.
August 25th, 2020 - v10.0.1
- Removed the social sharing image setting in the theme settings and switched to use the setting under the store preferences.
- Blog posts in the blog section or on the blog list page that are only showing 1 post per row will have their width constrained to 80 characters.
- Updated preset data to match new demos.
August 20th, 2020 - v.10.0.0
- A new and more consistent spacing system applied to the whole theme.
- Tidy up of colors and typography to keep consistent across the theme.
- Updated icons.
- Form elements have been updated across the theme.
- New site width option.
- More compact header on both desktop and mobile.
- New sticky header setting.
- Better and more accessible navigation on desktop.
- A brand new mobile menu.
- Mega navigation trigger block setting, instead of auto-detecting a mega menu.
- New logo width settings for both desktop and mobile.
- Condense menus and show product counts removed.
- Sticky header will constrain menu more than non-sticky so that it will slide into place on desktop screens more elegantly.
- New layout.
- Added support for up to 4 blocks now (up from 3).
- Added support for more than 1 menu block (previously limited to 1).
- Added a Text option to the Newsletter block.
Product cards
- Ability to display vendors.
- Ability to set the aspect ratio of product images.
- Ability to show secondary images on hover.
- Ability to toggle discounts (ie 50% off) which are now also displayed as badges.
- Sale badge changed to take up less real estate.
- New quickshop interaction which does not hide product image as much.
- New quickshop dialog which includes product images and several other settings.
- Product grids now display 2 columns on mobile (up from 1).
Collection lists
- Ability to set the aspect ratio of collection images.
- Ability to toggle collection titles, product counts, and collection descriptions.
- Ability to manually choose collections to display on the collection list page.
- Ability to sort collections on the collection list page.
- Ability to change the number of collections per row on the collection list page.
- Collection list page grid page now displays 2 columns on mobile (up from 1).
Product page
- Updated both one-column and two-column layouts.
- Removed pagination from product pages.
- The gallery is now smarter and resizes images to fit on screen.
- Updated share buttons.
Blog and static pages
- Blog card layout updated and consistency between home page section and blog list page.
- Updated article page and comments layout.
- New share buttons instead of popup.
- Text now aligned left instead of center.
- Updated and more accessible slideshow.
Account pages
- Updated layout and cleanup.
- All addresses are now listed on one page.
Colour options
Cart page
- Updated layout. Results now display in a grid.
Search results page
- Updated layout and cleanup.
July 22nd, 2020 - v9.91
- Issue with JavaScript being in developer mode.
July 15th, 2020 - v.9.9.0
- Theme will now display unit pricing in stores that support it.
- You can now display a label below the price on taxable products.
- 10 new languages have been added to the theme translations.
- The total price on the cart page will now appear correctly formatted when cart quantities are changed.
- We moved some JSON into script tags to prevent it from appearing in web search results.
- The home page blog posts section will now display properly, in columns, on big screens.
- Custom account login link in header now works.
- We have updated our lazy-loading images to use the latest version of our library.
June 16th, 2020 - v.9.8.1
- Styling issue on password page.
- Updated preset default setting to match demo stores.
June 8th, 2020 - v9.8.0
- Currency selector setting info to tell merchants to visit payment settings, not currency settings.
- Stylesheet no longer uses SCSS, so settings update much faster in the theme editor.
April 7th, 2020 - v9.7.0
- Support for native Shopify multi-currency and multi-language.
- The old currency converter has been removed in favor of the new native multi-currency functionality.
February 25th, 2020 - v.9.6.0
- Updated to use new product media component.
February 13th, 2020 - v9.5.4
- Images will no longer appear stretched on static pages.
- Corrected variant drop-down issue when multiple variants shared the same image.
- Password page 'Enter password' modal opens once again.
- Added in structured data meta data.
- Changed the name of a homepage section to avoid any confusion.
- The slideshow content updates correctly on mobile.
- Updated theme presets to match our current demo themes.
- Twitter and Instagram section has been removed. The API has been deprecated with no suitable replacement so from now on you'll need to switch to using an app.
November 19th, 2019 - v9.5.3
- Flickity performance issues on iOS.
- Moved links from settings labels to info text, to work with changes to the theme editor.
August 15th, 2019 - v9.5.2
- Removed our website link from the footer.
- Tweaked styling for dynamic checkout buttons on cart page.
June 25th, 2019 - v9.5.0
- Support link in the Theme editor now points to our new support form.
- Removed Google+.
- Related products is now Recommended products, and uses the Shopify recommendations API.
- Discounts will now appear in the cart and order pages.
- Fix the quickshop modal function between M and L breakpoints.
- Fixed missing collection image on homepage featured collection.
- The collection pages now use the standard sort options and language provided by Shopify.
- Fixed bug on search results page where share widget was always visible.
- Updated social meta to fix an issue with images on Twitter preview cards.
- Allow users to remove attribution from footer without a trailing period remaining.
- Fixed social media modal functionality on blog pages.
- Fixed padding on navigation menu for small screen sizes.
- The position of the sold out button on mobile has been fixed.
February 14th, 2019 - v9.4.0
- The Add to Cart button on the featured product section matches other buttons in the theme.
- Products without images will now display with a placeholder image.
- Product description tabs don't break any more when you change a setting in the theme editor.
- Selecting a variant on the product page will add the variant ID to the URL to make it easy to link directly to a particular product.
- You can now close the navigation dropdown on desktop by clicking on the currently open navigation dropdown.
- When infinite scroll is enabled, product images will load at the correct size in all browsers
- Several video autoplay-related bug fixes were corrected.
- You can now include images in your Twitter feed.
- Lots of behind-the-scenes technical updates to prepare the theme for the future.
December 19th, 2018 - v9.3.7
- Changed dynamic checkout buttons to be enabled by default.
- Changed dynamic checkout buttons content.
November 27th, 2018 - v9.3.5
- We've added the option for you to show a lock icon over the checkout button on the cart page.
- Editions now only asks Google to index each collection page once, to improve your SEO and bring in those customers.
September 27th, 2018 - v9.3.4
- The padding on the mobile navigation section has been all fixed up.
- Also, the variant selection is available on a two-column featured product.
August 23rd, 2018 - v9.3.2
- The variant selector dropdown is now displayed even if there's only a single variant. Perfect for "One size fits all."
- Fixed button links on slideshows which appear on mobile devices.
- Fixed some margin bugs with the add to cart button that were ruining the clean, elegant lines of Editions.
- Added styles to the gift card template.
July 26th, 2018 - v9.3.0
- We fixed the slideshow section not autoplaying.
- Also, we added the ability to select a default sharing image!
July 17th, 2018 - v9.2.0
- We updated the payment icons in the site footer to use Shopify's new official payment icons.
June 22nd, 2018 - v9.1.2
- We've reintroduced the styling for Slideshow from the previous version of this theme.
- Also, the fix is in for the slideshow description overlapping the navigation buttons.
June 13th, 2018 - 9.1.1
- Fixed issue with old font variables being referenced and preventing the theme from rendering.
- We've also added a cart redirection setting.
- Updated newsletter forms to add rich-text support so links can be added.
- Changed 'slideshow' to 'slide' for Slideshow blocks.
- Fixed blurry logo images.
- Video section styling fixes.
May 31st, 2018 - 9.0.0
- Added support for Shopify Font picker.
April 6th, 2018 - v8.5.0
- Implemented responsive and lazy loading images.
April 3rd, 2018 - v8.4.0
- Implemented support for Shopify's new dynamic checkout buttons. Now on the product page and quickshop, customers can checkout directly via Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, Paypal, and Shopify Payments if you have those gateways set up on your store.
- Fixed the infamous broken Twitter feed.
- Fixed a broken Instagram feed.
March 6th, 2018 - v8.3.0
- Added more sections to the home page to comply with Shopify's sections parity update.
January 16th, 2018 - v8.2.1
- Fixed up some broken Instagram and Twitter feeds.
January 8th, 2018 - v8.2.0
- Updated the menu system to be integrated with Shopify's nested navigation update. See this link to get more information on how to set up nested navigation.
November 30th, 2017 - v8.1.5
- Updateed Paskit to v0.12.1.
- Updatede jQuery to 1.11.1.
- Changed how we handle product inventory to adhere to new inventory policy from Shopify.
September 7th, 2017 - v8.1.3
- Currency Converter, the Sink Hole of Many Bugs, has been fixed, once again.
September 1st, 2017 - v8.1.2
- Fixed issue with Instagram feed not showing square images. It's hip to be square so they're square now.
August 18th, 2017 - v8.1.1
- Twitter feeds are inclusive of emojis now.
- We changed one tiny setting in the theme editor. Box of lollipops sent to you if you guess what we changed correctly.
July 21st, 2017 - v8.1.0
- Minor bug fixes.
- Implemented Shopify Pay icon.
- Changed all range settings to sliders in theme editor.
June 22nd, 2017 - v8.0.4
- Fixed issue with currency converter.
- Fixed issue with quickshop variants.
May 23rd, 2017 - v8.0.3
- Fixed issue with Twitter feed not displaying tweets.
April 20th, 2017- v8.0.2
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
January 20th, 2017 - v8.0.0
- Updated them with Shopify's Sections.
October 20th, 2016 - v7.2.4
- Implemented Apple Pay icon on cart page.
September 1st, 2016 - v7.2.3
- Updated Instagram icon.
- Added close icon to quick shop modal.
July 7th, 2016 - v7.2.1
- Updated Instagram settings to meet requirements.
- Fixed issue with Twitter feed.
March 22nd, 2016 - v7.2.0
- Added support for ShopPad apps.
March 7th, 2016 - v7.1.0
- Implemented Apple Wallet integration.
- Added ability to show featured blog images on home page and blog page.
- Updated theme customizer settings to comply with Shopify's settings standards.
December 15th, 2015 - v7.0.2
- Removed 'Powered by Shopify' link in footer.
April 30th, 2015 - v6.1.3
- Fixed issue with contact form not submitting.
April 21st, 2015 - v6.1.2
- Implemented settings_schema.json and removed settings.html.
December 16th, 2014 - v6.1.0
- Fixed issue where double-clicking the add-to-cart button adds multiple products.
December 1st, 2014 - v6.1.0
- Fixed the click-to-load issue on Collections pages.
- Fixed issue with Track Inventory feature showing products as 'Sold Out'.
November 18th, 2014 - v6.0.0
- Added Internationalization support.
October 30th, 2014 — v5.9.0
- Added Featured Collections section to home page.
October 23rd, 2014 - v5.8.1
- Improved SEO.
September 25th, 2014 - v5.8.0
- Added Twitter widget.
- Added social meta to support Twitter cards, Facebook sharing, Pinterest rich pins.
September 25th, 2014 - v5.7.1
- Fixed boxsizing of mobile navigation items.
- Minor bug fixes.
July 11th, 2014 - v5.7.0
- Minor bug fix.
July 3rd, 2014 - v5.6.0
- Updated logo media query to display retina logo for all retina screens, not just mobile.
June 12th, 2014 - v5.5.0
- Minor bug fixes concerning mobile navigation.
June 3rd, 2014 - v5.4.0
- Added styles for Shopify's new EU Confirmation page.
May 26th, 2014 - v5.3.0
- Minor bug fix.
May 12th, 2014 - v5.2.0
- Added support for single tiered dropdown menus on mobile.
April 28th, 2014 - v5.1.0
- Minor bug fixes.
February 11th, 2014 - v5.0.0
- Added support for nested navigation elements on mobile layout.
January 29th, 2014 - v4.0.0
- Added option to allow shop to associate product image with variant option.
- Added association between product image and cart item.
January 8th, 2014 - v3.0.0
- Added a new payment icon: Bitcoin
- Fixed a bug where related products could have the wrong link
December 3rd, 2013 - v2.10.0
- Fixed a bug that caused multiple dropdowns to appear on the product page
November 7th, 2013 - v2.9.0
- Fixed product overlay link