Release notes describe changes, fixes, and additions to the Grid theme. Use this article to stay in the loop with Grid’s latest versions. Each version is listed below with the release date, version number, and changes included.
January 3rd, 2025 - v6.3.1
- Updated Bright, Light, Warm, and Moody presets.
May 8th, 2024 - v6.3.0
- Added image filter presentation type to the collection page and search page.
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February 14th, 2024 - v6.2.0
- Added "scheduled send" option to gift cards.
- Added filter swatches to collection and search result filtering.
- Rebranded Twitter to X.
- Improved theme accessibility.
- Converted select input settings to text alignment input settings.
- Fixed an issue where the password page header would appear above the password page modal overlay.
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July 6th, 2023 - v6.1.1
- Added Gift card recipient form.
- Added Follow on Shop button.
- Fixed an issue with the footer country and language selectors not working when the payment icons are hidden.
April 3rd, 2023 - v6.0.0
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- Added Section groups.
- Added Predictive search.
- Added a new theme setting to customize the "Continue shopping" link on the cart page.
January 16th, 2023 - v5.5.0
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- Added image focal point support.
How to set focal points for images in five steps
Minimum version required to use Shopify's focal point feature.
- Renamed "Recommended products" to "Related products".
November 10th, 2022 - v5.4.0
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- Added a new Age gate feature.
October 19th, 2022 - v5.3.0
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- Added Complementary products block.
Minimum version 5.2.0 required to use Shopify's Complementary Products feature
May 16th, 2022 - v5.2.0
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- Expanded social media settings and icon options.
April 21st, 2022 - v5.1.0
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- Sections formerly limited to the home page and product page can now be added to all templates.
- Support for new boolean filter type.
- Added tabs, collapsible tabs, and custom liquid sections to all product form options.
- Added more settings to the video section. The video section content will need to be reconfigured.
- Added hover interaction support for recommended products section. Product cards in this section now respond to global product card settings.
- Product card settings for overlay/hover interaction, stock warning, and sale/sold out badges are now global settings configured in Theme Settings > Product Cards.
- Product card settings are applied to all product cards found in the theme including on search results page and recommended products sections.
Fixes and improvements
- Restored the sold-out and sale badges for the search results page.
- Adjusted product descriptions to show full content when using tabs.
- Repaired an issue affecting storefronts with no menu assigned to the header.
- Restored the product gallery icon for image zoom activation.
- Fixed the cart count in sticky header so it updates when an item is added to the cart.
- Fixed issue with large tables and mobile scrolling.
- Adjusted navigation for multiple mega menus to function as expected in the mobile menu.
- Fixed the product gallery slideshow always displays no longer breaks to a second line.
- Restored the customer notifications on the product page when a quantity exceeds available inventory.
- Fixed an issue with search results concerning images display.
- Adjusted the sticky header so it resizes correctly when using the compact center header layout.
- Repaired the mega menu’s featured image to works as expected when hovering over a collection/product link.
- Adjusted masonry section videos to open in the center of the screen.
- Fixed issue with local pickup and now appears for all configured products, including products without variants.
- Removed the bottom border on menu parents.
February 1st, 2022 - v5.0.1
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October 15th, 2021 - v5.0.0
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- We added support for Shopify's Online Store 2.0 update, including:
- Sections formerly limited to the home page can now be added to the product page and static pages.
- Product sections now have the ability to add, remove, and move blocks of content around.
- Product sections can now include app blocks.
- Header navigation can now open submenus even when javascript is disabled.
- Cart quantity can now be updated when JavaScript is disabled.
- Support for Faceted filtering on collection pages, Shopify's new standardized filter system.
- Support for showing international tax-inclusive prices.
- New Custom liquid section.
- Most templated updated to use a JSON format instead of Liquid, as per Shopify's requirements.
- The desktop video section now plays again.
When updating to an Online Store 2.0-compatible version, the Theme Updater is only able to preserve global theme settings (e.g. Colors, Typography). Content such as homepage sections will need to be rebuilt. This is a one-time process that is required to align with new templating standards and maintain theme performance.
Vintage theme versions
Theme versions listed below are considered vintage themes. Update to the latest version to optimize compatibility with Online Store 2.0 features.
June 17th, 2021 - v4.11.3
- Product options and quantity selectors now appear in the correct position (below the price).
- Product descriptions no longer cut off when viewed in list mode.
June 2nd, 2021 - v4.11.2
- Set default social media accounts to blank, to avoid confusion.
May 18th, 2021 - v4.11.1
- The mega menu closes correctly on desktop.
- The vendor name setting has been fixed.
- The home page masonry blocks should redirect to the correct link after being clicked.
- The sticky header works as expected if it's enabled.
- Text entered within the rich text editor should be aligned correctly (static pages, product descriptions, etc.).
- The mobile menu items stack vertically.
- The home page should no longer appear blank when an empty featured collection section is enabled.
- The collections list page should display the collections found in the 'All collections' navigation menu once again.
- The images on the collections list page are no longer cropped when viewed on certain iOS devices.
- The homepage masonry images are no longer cropped when viewed on certain iOS devices.
March 12th, 2021 - v4.11.0
- Add preconnect.
- Add preload attr for CSS, fonts, and JS.
- Add font-display: swap.
- Use async or defer for scripts.
- Remove LQIP.
October 27th, 2020 - v4.10.0
October 1st, 2020 - v4.9.3
- The mobile mega navigation drop-downs are now fixed and working as intended.
- Issue where the mobile menu wouldn't display correctly on tablet breakpoints.
- Issue with spacing in the header cart section on Safari.
- The pagination arrows are now visible against the background-color.
- The tabs layout on mobile is now scrollable if it gets too long.
- The announcement bar text is now centered on mobile.
- Products that have no thumbnails load correctly again.
- We have changed all 'include' tags to 'render' tags, as 'include' has been deprecated.
September 17th, 2020 - v4.9.2
- We have removed the default social media sharing image setting and we now defer to the setting in the Shopify admin.
July 22nd, 2020 - v4.9.1
- Issue with JavaScript being in developer mode.
July 14th, 2020 - v4.9.0
- Prices per unit will now be displayed for countries to which it applies.
- We have added translation files for 10 new languages.
- Added an editable text string next to the price on product pages that can be added if a product has tax applied.
June 16th, 2020 - v4.8.1
- Styling issue on password page.
June 9th, 2020 - v4.8.0
- Stylesheet no longer uses SCSS, so settings update much faster in the theme editor.
- Default settings for Light & Bright presets have been updated to match demo stores.
May 11th, 2020 - v4.7.1
- Mega navigation flickering in certain cases.
- Uneven gutters on Image with text section on mobile.
- We have fixed a currency formatting issue on the cart page.
- Shipping calculator to display customer's default address when logged into their account.
- Where you were able to drag around the slide on a single-slide slideshow.
April 21st, 2020 - v4.7.0
- Support for native Shopify Multi-Currency and multi-language.
- The old currency converter has been removed in favour of the new native Multi-Currency functionality.
February 14th, 2020 - v4.6.0
- Twitter and Instagram section has been removed. The API has been deprecated with no suitable replacement so from now on you'll need to switch to using an app.
- Updated to use new product media component.
- If multiple slideshows are present on the home page, bottom-most slideshow's control controls no longer override the other slideshow's control colors.
- Resolved console warning regarding chiko icons.
- Blog post featured images are no longer overlapped by text on initial load.
- The slideshow's with only one slide no longer show pagination dots.
- Masonry videos now play properly in iOS.
December 19th, 2019 - v4.5.3
- Fixed issue where images uploaded to a static were appearing stretched.
- Updated Warm preset to match our new demo.
November 19th, 2019 - v4.5.2
- Implemented a fix on all mobile sliders which were encountering issues in the newest version of iOS (13).
- Fixed issue where the Masonry home page section was causing a tiny horizontal scroll on mobile devices.
- Updated Moody preset to match our new demo.
- We moved all the links in the theme editor from form labels to the info sections.
August 14th, 2019 - v4.5.1
- Product pages with videos in the description will no longer fail to load.
- Removed our website link from the footer.
- Changed styling for Dynamic checkout buttons.
June 17th, 2019 - v4.5.0
- Switched to the new Product recommendations algorithm, which replaces the old Related products option.
- Discounts are now visible in the mini-cart, cart page, and order page.
June 4th, 2019 - v4.4.12
- Multiple meganavs with featured images will now feature the correct image in all cases.
- Updated image with text overlay section to fix a couple bugs.
- Updated social meta to fix an issue with images on Twitter preview cards.
- Fixed bug affecting image heights on Collection List sections.
- Gift cards will now display with correct styling.
- Users can now tap the product image to visit the product page on featured collections.
- Removed Google+.
- Support link in the Theme editor now points to our new support form.
April 17th, 2019 - v4.4.11
- We've renamed javascript asset files to avoid conflicts when updating.
March 11th, 2019 - 4.4.10
- You can now select a different overlay for each block in the masonry section on your Home page.
- Overlays will now also cover the entire width of the Video with Text section when the layout is set to 'Content Width'.
- Newlines in translations will no longer cause console errors in the browser.
- We noticed some extra padding was getting added to the Video with Text Overlay section in some cases, so we've fixed that up.
- Customers will no longer be able to incorrectly add out-of-stock variants to the cart.
- The fix is in for the scrollbar locking issue on mobile.
- We've fixed a bug which caused the product slideshow to appear empty in the quickshop.
- The featured collection section will now respect the products-per-row setting in all cases.
- We've cleaned up some code and removed the imagesLoaded plugin in favor of our own library.
- The Checkout and Update Cart buttons will now span the full width of the screen on mobile devices.
- The default social sharing image will now be used when sharing products with no images of their own on social media.
- .We are now using Shopify's built-in sort options on the collection page.
- Masonry layout on collection pages will now reflect the manual order setting when the sort is set to 'Featured'.
January 24th, 2019 - v4.4.7
- The collection page will now display correctly on iOS devices.
- The help link in the theme layout setting in the Theme Editor now points to the correct URL.
- The modal on the store password page will now open as expected.
- We have eliminated some errors that were appearing in the browser console.
- Buttons on the product page will now have the correct colours applied.
December 20th, 2018 - v4.4.5
- Changed dynamic checkout buttons content.
- Changed dynamic checkout buttons to be enabled by default.
December 14th, 2018 - 4.4.3
- We have made some improvements behind-the-scenes to make Grid work more organized.
- The Twitter feed will now show tweets beginning with '@'.
November 28th, 2018 - v4.4.2
- There is now a global 'show vendor' theme setting which will affect any place the vendor name normally appears.
- Masonry images don't get distorted any more, on iOS 7.
November 8th, 2018 - v4.4.1
- The theme now asks Google to only index each collection page once, to improve your SEO.
- All megamenus are now showing the correct featured image.
- The unnecessary 'Total' section has been removed from the Account Order History page.
- There is now a new options to show lock icons on cart page and mini-cart the checkout buttons.
August 23rd, 2018 - 4.4.0
- We've added the ability to select a default social sharing image.
- Slideshow images on the product page are now centred on all devices, so no more wonky viewing.
- When the Header is set to the 'sticky' style there was some strange distortion of the logo image, but we've cleaned up that mess so you didn't have to.
July 26th, 2018 - v4.3.2
- Clicking on an Instagram username now opens their Instagram feed in a new tab.
- Meganavs with two levels now display correctly on mobile.
- Fixed an issue where overlay wouldn't disappear after clicking the play button on the video section.
July 17th, 2018 - v4.3.0
- We updated the footer payment icons to use Shopify's new official icon set.
July 11th, 2018 - v4.2.1
- The image zoom feature on the product page was being stubborn and refused to work, so we gave it a stern talking to and now it's working again.
- The quickshop was being shy and didn't want to show itself on the home page. We've helped it to build up some courage and now it's working just like before.
June 25th, 2018 - v4.2.0
- Added back in a cart redirection toggle (so you can send customers directly to the cart after they add a product to their bag).
- Added a success message to newsletter subscription.
- Added Google+, Medium, Tumblr, Kickstarter, and LinkedIn social media account icons to your footer.
- Changed tabs to use a shared module (just some behind-the-scenes stuff).
- Changed the theme attribution to a language string so you can change the language without your theme being marked as 'edited'.
- Now allow the use of the "@" symbol in Instagram and Twitter usernames.
- Fixed an issue with certain images appearing lower quality in comparison to previous versions (like the logo).
- Fixed an issue with jumpiness while scrolling in the product details area.
- Removed unused social accounts.
- Added back the Promotions section from pre-sections parity (oops).
- Fixed a missing alternate masonry mobile setting (oops again).
- Fixed some alternate masonry stying.
- Fixed the header text not being bolded.
- Fixed an issue with currency displaying without symbol.
- You did it! Carry on with your day now.
June 19th, 2018 - v4.1.0
- Fixed an issue where the product image thumbnails were not appearing in the quick shop.
- Updated newsletter forms to support rich text so you can link to a privacy policy.
May 31st, 2018 - v4.0.0
- Added support for Shopify Font picker.
April 6th, 2018 - v3.5.0
- Implemented responsive and lazy loading images.
April 3rd, 2018 - v3.4.0
- Implemented support for Shopify's new dynamic checkout buttons. Now on the product page and quickshop, customers can checkout directly via Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, Paypal, and Shopify Payments if you have those gateways set up on your store.
- Fixed the infamous broken Twitter feed.
- Fixed the broken Instagram feed.
February 26th, 2018 - v3.3.0
- Added some new sections to comply with Shopify's Sections Parity updates. We added a(n): Announcement bar, Map, Newsletter, Image with text, Rich text, and a Featured product section.
January 15th, 2018 - v3.2.1
- Twitter and Instagram made some changes that broke how the images were being displayed in all of our themes. We fixed that up so images should show up again.
January 8th, 2018 - v3.2.0
- Updated the menu system to be integrated with Shopify's nested navigation update. See this link to get more information on how to set up nested navigation.
December 1st, 2017 - v3.1.4
- Updated Paskit.
- Fixed an issue where the currency format wasn't always respecting the setting.
November 30th, 2017 - v3.1.3
- Changed how we handle inventory so it complies with Shopify's inventory policies.
November 17th, 2017 - v3.1.2
- Fixed theme editor preview rendering incorrectly.
- Fixed single variant products not displaying variant information.
- Fixed list view product details overlapping with other content.
November 3rd, 2017 - v3.1.1
- We jumped the gun a bit and tried to sneak in some changes that didn't follow Shopify's code chill rules. This build is the same except it does not have:
- A nice 'success!' message for the newsletter subscription.
- Google+, Medium, and LinkedIn social media accounts.
- New colors for the collection page pagination.
- New colors for the newsletter placeholder text.
- The ability to use '@' symbols in Instagram and Twitter fields.
- A new tabs shared module.
- Only one video thumbnail.
- The ability to translate the footer theme credit.
November 2nd, 2017 - v3.1.0
- Added a nice 'success!' message to newsletter subscription.
- Added Google+, Medium, and LinkedIn social media accounts.
- Changed the pagination on collection pages to use button background colors.
- Changed the newsletter placeholder color to match the body text color.
- Grid now allows the use of '@' symbols in Instagram and Twitter username fields.
- Changed the tabs situation to use a shared module. Nothing is different for you, just us.
- Fixed a little error with the video flashing a second thumbnail before it started playing.
- Fixed some little things in the presets to match the demos.
- Changed the theme attribution (the "Grid theme by Pixel Union" at the bottom) to be a language string (not important) so that you can translate it to a different language without breaking anything.
- Corrected the sticky navigation behavior so it doesn't jump around while scrolling.
- Removed unused social media accounts.
- Fixed unresponsive zip code field.
- Corrected the collection used in breadcrumbs.
- Fixed an issue causing similarly named variant options from working correctly.
- It's raining again.
- Fixed an issue with products being misaligned in the mini cart.
- Fixed an issue with switching variant images when the product is on sale.
- Fixed window width calculation. What does this mean? Things don't overlap anymore.
- Fixed issue where collection titles didn't actually link to those collections.
- Fixed an issue where the email link wouldn't actually open up an email.
September 1st, 2017 - v3.0.3
- Instagram feed stopped showing cropped square images. They're square again.
August 18th, 2017 - v3.0.0
- Added a testimonials section to home page.
- Added the ability to have video features in the masonry section on home page (way cool).
- Added a home page video with text section to home page.
- Added a text hero section to home page.
- Added a home page promotion section.
- Improved mobile navigation.
- Added new layouts to the header.
- Implemented the ability to have a masonry layout on collections page.
- Implemented the ability to have a masonry layout on blog index page.
- Implemented ability to have a masonry layout on collection page (sensing a pattern?)
- Implemented ability to have masonry typography options.
- Implemented ability to have masonry placeholder SVGs to have a background color
- The last two points are lies, just making sure you're paying attention.
- Implemented new typography options (LIKE RUBIK!!!!)
- Changed masonry placeholder SVGs to have a background color.
- Last but definitely not least, we implemented an alternate product template.
- Made some tune-ups and tweaks to copy and settings.
- Twitter feeds now display emojis again.
July 25th, 2017 - v2.1.0
- Updated all range settings to be sliders in theme editor.
July 24th, 2017 - v2.0.9
- Corrected URLs for footer social links.
- Fixed issue with wrong variant images showing after rearranging the image order.
- Updated support links for documentation.
- Removed hover interaction on masonry feature grid on mobile if there are no links, headings, or subtitles.
- Added support for Shopify pay icon to footer.
June 20th, 2017 - v2.0.8
- Fixed issue with masonry text not appearing on mobile.
- Fixed broken CSS.
May 23rd, 2017 - v2.0.6
- Fixed issue with Twitter feed not displaying tweets.
April 21, 2017 - v2.0.5
- Fixed issue with alternate home page layout masonry not linking without text.
- Fixed issue where variant "on sale" pricing was not displaying correctly.
- Fixed issue where contact form was incorrectly aligned.
- Added number of blog posts per page setting.
January 13th, 2017 - v2.0.1
- Fixed issue with mobile menu not scrolling.
Updated Grid-Bright to use alternative layout as preset.
- Added mobile logout link.
- Fix issue with product price not displaying sale prices with variants.
January 9th, 2017 - v2.0.0
- Updated theme with Shopify's Sections.
November 17th, 2016 - v1.13.1
- Minor bug fixes.
November 8th, 2016 - v1.13.0
- Minor bug fixes.
- Added Shopify List newsletters theme option.
- Fixed issue with currency converter.
October 20th, 2016 - v1.11.1
- Implemented Apple Pay icon on cart page.
- Minor bug fixes.
August 25th, 2016 - v1.11.0
- Updated Flickity plugin for product slideshows.
- Implemented featured blog images.
- Minor bug fixes.
July 21st, 2016 - v1.10.5
- Minor bug fix.
July 7th, 2016 - v1.10.4
- Fixed issue with Twitter feed.
May 6th, 2016 - v1.10.3
- Added spam check to contact form.
- Minor bug fix.
March 22nd, 2016 - v1.10.0
- Added support for ShopPad apps.
March 8th, 2016 - v1.9.1
- Minor Twitter bug fix.
February 29th, 2016 - v1.9.0
- Updated theme settings to comply with Shopify's naming and organizational setting conventions.
December 15th, 2015 - v1.8.9
- Removed 'Powered by Shopify' link in footer.
December 10th, 2015 - v1.8.8
- Added functionality to upload featured images for blog posts.
- Added Apple Wallet integration.
September 24th, 2015 - v1.8.4
- Fixed Newsletter Signup bug in footer on Android phones.
September 24th, 2015 - v1.8.3
- Improved mega-navigation image functionality.
- Minor bug fix.
September 24th, 2015 - v1.8.2
- Fixed tweet emoji height in twitter feed.
July 24th, 2015 - v1.8.1
- Changed Minimal preset to Light.
July 24th, 2015 - v1.8.0
- Add introduction message section.
July 24th, 2015 - v1.7.0
- Add linked (variant) options as theme setting.
July 24th, 2015 - v1.6.0
- Add ajax Add-to-Cart on product page.
July 17th, 2015 - v1.5.0
- Rebuilt quickshop.
- Updated twitter card to Shopify standard.
June 11th, 2015 - v1.4.7
- Updated Currency Converter Plugin.
May 29th, 2015 - v1.4.6
- Automatically set a default currency for the Currency Converter.
- Fixed foreign character issue.
- Made slideshow linkable without text.
- Minor bug fix.
May 14th, 2015 - v1.4.4
- Added setting to display a collection's Featured Image and Description.
- Fixed mobile product page thumbnail pagination.
April 30th, 2015 - v1.4.2
- Fixed issue with contact form not submitting.
April 21st, 2015 - v1.4.1
- Implemented settings_schema.json and removed settings.html.
April 9th, 2015 - v1.4.0
- Replaced slideshow with Flickity plugin.
- Fixed issue with Youtube icon not appearing in footer.
- Added colour customization for slideshow controls.
April 2nd, 2015 - v1.3.1
- Fixed issue with quickshop opening when this feature was disabled.
- Fixed issue with glitching text in 'List View' Product layout.
- Added option to only show Masonry text on hover-over.
- Optimized settings for Slideshow feature.
- Removed hover-over for Product List items on mobile.
March 26th, 2015 - v1.2.1
- Minor bug fixes.
- Fixed issue Pinterest button on Product page.
March 19th, 2015 - v1.1.0
- Added Favicon feature.
- Added Ajax add-to-cart capability.
- Fixed issue with additional cart buttons.
- Fixed issue with slow loading Collection page.