Enhance a page with the Featured product section to draw attention to a special product.
Add this section to
Customize section settings
Click the Featured product section to open its general settings.
Assign the product to display
Click Select product to choose the product to feature.
A View product page link will also display to connect customers with the full product page.
Select a product details layout option
Align the product details to the Center or Left of the section by selecting an option from Product details alignment.
Select a gallery layout
Use the Layout setting to position the product media thumbnails Below the gallery, or on the Left or Right of gallery. Select No thumbnails to disable the additional product image.
Enable image zoom
Activate this option to provide a closer look at the product images. When a user hovers over a product image, a magnifying glass icon will appear and they will be able to click to get a detailed look at your product.
Enable video autoplay and looping
For product videos, activate autoplay by selecting Enable video autoplay. Repeat the video automatically at its end by selecting Enable video looping.
Customize blocks to display
Use the provided blocks in the section to rearrange content and customize components of the Featured product.
Each block includes a setting for Show border. There are additional customization settings for Text and Fitting guide.
Text block
Add a Text block, then click to open the block's settings. Add the Text using the provided field.
Fitting guide
Open the Fitting guide block to connect a static page. Click Select page and choose from your pages. Then use the options under the Fitting guide icon dropdown