The Featured collection section is designed to draw attention to specific collections on a page.
Use the theme editor to add an optional section heading, select a collection and layout, and activate product details for the Featured collection section.
Add this section to
Customize section settings
Click the Featured collection section to customize its general settings.
Add an optional section heading
Assign a heading for the section using the Heading field.
Select a collection and layout
Connect the desired collection by clicking Select collection.
Control the layout of the displayed products by adjusting the Products per row and Rows sliders.
Activate product details
Check Show vendor if you want it to display above the product names in your Featured collection grid.
Hover interaction options
From the Hover interaction dropdown menu, you can select what happens when a user hovers over a featured product. The options are:
- Quickshop (open a modal with the product details and add-to-cart button)
- Show secondary image (flip the image to an alternate view of the product)
- Stock level indicator (show a warning when stock is below a certain level)
- None
You can set the stock level warning using the Show warning when stock is below slider below.
Sale and sold out badges
You can also choose to Show 'on sale'/'sold out' badges on your featured products by checking that option. These are text badges, however, you can also Use icons for product item badges by checking that option.