Atlantic's header includes settings to control the layout and features of the header.
Use the theme editor to choose a layout for the header and show social media, login, and search icons for the header.
Choose a layout for the header
Atlantic comes with three header layouts: Normal, Minimal, and Minimal (sticky). Select one of these with the LAYOUT dropdown.
Select the Normal option to have the logo, cart, navigation items, and search icon occupy their own area of the header.
Select the Minimal option to condense the navigation items, search icon, and cart icon into the spaces beside the logo. This reduces the overall height of the header for a minimalized option.
Minimal (sticky)
Select the Minimal (sticky) for the same layout as the Minimal, but with the header fixed, meaning it will remain visible as visitors scroll down the page.
Show social media, login, and search icons
Include social icons to connect your customers with your social media accounts. Enable Show social icons to activate this.
To display customer account login and search icons, enable Show login and search labels. This setting only applies when the Normal header layout is enabled.