The store's logo provides branding for your site and a clickable link to return to the home page.
Use the theme editor to add, resize, and center your logo.
Add your logo
By default, Atlantic will display your store name as your logo. To replace it, click the Select image button and select the file you'd like to use. 400 x 200px JPG image files are best for this feature, but larger images will be automatically resized to fit this constraint.
Resize the logo
If you would like to set a custom Logo width, you can do so in the corresponding field.
To accommodate Retina screens, upload a logo that is 400px wide, but then set the width to 200px. This way you can be confident the logo will appear sharp on both Retina and non-Retina devices.
Center your logo
To center your logo or site title, check the Center logo (or site title) option.