Demo stores for Pixel Union themes are packed with quality images, videos, and copy. These are created in partnership with other companies to give the most authentic experience of a real store. Usage rights for this content are granted to us for this purpose only, so merchants are unable to use any demo media, copy, or branding in their storefront.
Finding high-quality images on the web is easy enough, but whether these are copyright-protected, free to use commercially, or someplace in between is not as simple. To best avoid conflicts with media ownership, consider using images from these sources.
Shutterstock is a robust and refined stock photograph resource. Consider their pricing plans and start a free trial to explore the broad categories and subject matter available to Shutterstock subscribers.
Burst provides access to a wealth of free stock photography for your storefront. Before accessing their catalog, familiarize yourself with their Terms of Service.
Unsplash is a platform for a community of photographers to share high-quality images for public use. Before accessing their catalog, familiarize yourself with their licensing terms.