Each Pixel Union theme includes a language editor, and this allows merchants to manually translate their theme to another language.
Using the theme language editor
Access the language editor
- In your Online Store, locate your theme
- Click ••• (Actions)
- Click Edit languages
Can I have more than one language for customers to select?
Recent cross-border theme enhancements introduce a language selector for the footer. This works with the language sets included or added to a theme.
Theme-based translations can only provide translations for elements of the storefront controlled by the theme. This would exclude portions of the storefront such as product descriptions, static page content, or blog posts.
If there are no additional language sets in your theme, there is a select group of language translation apps for customers to view the storefront in their preferred language.
Selecting an app for language translations
Are there alternative language sets available for my theme?
Atlantic v14.5.0+, Grid v4.9.0+, Launch v6.6.0+, Empire v5.5.0+, Startup v9.5.0+, Editions v9.9.0+, and Tailor (all versions) include the following 10 language sets:
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Czech
- Japanese
- French
- German
- Hindi
- Dutch
- Turkish
- Chinese (Simplified)
For Tailor, Editions, and Empire, an additional language set for Italian is included.
Check out this article for information on language settings: Using the theme language editor