Atlantic includes a Promo block feature to expand the collection pages. The feature combines messaging, styling, and a link into a standalone block. This block can be assigned to a specific position in the product grid, either for all collections or one in particular.
Use the theme editor to add the promo block, customize the content, assign to a collection, and set the position for the promo block.
Add the promo block
Open the Collection page template by selecting Collections then Default collection (or an alternate) with the page selector.
Below Collection pages in the left sidebar, click (+) Add Promo block.
Customize the content
Select a style
Use the Style dropdown to choose between the Primary and Secondary presets.
These styles use the same colors, but provide two different combinations for background, text, and borders.
Consider adding your text, link, and button text before selecting a style to see which you prefer
Add text
Use the Title field to add your promotional messaging.
Connect a link
Use the Link field to search for a page, or paste a URL. Then use the Button text field to customize the copy for the link.
Assign to a collection
The promo block is assigned to all your collections by default. To change this, click Select collection. Locate the collection, then Select and Save to have the promo block exclusive to that collection page.
Set the position
Enter a number in the Display after X products field to set the promo block's position in the product grid.
Think of a deli lineup. Your promo block is given its number and assigned a spot in the line of products. The value you provide for this setting will determine the number of products before the promo is included in the product grid. For example, if you add 5, there will be five products before the promo appears.