Accompany images with short videos through Product Media. Added via video file upload or YouTube link, videos can be included for display on the product page.
First, confirm the version is compatible, upload the MP4 or MOV file or add YouTube link, and adjust theme editor settings to include videos for your products.
Confirm the version is compatible
The minimum version for compatibility is v5.1.0. If you are using an older theme version, transfer your content to the latest theme version to start using Product Media features.
Upload the MP4 or MOV file
In the Media portion of the Product Editor, select Add file.
Select an MP4 or MOV-formatted video file from your device.
Shopify requires video files in either MP4 or MOV file format. At maximum, videos can be 60 seconds in length, 1GB in size, and 4K (4096 x 2160px) in resolution. These requirements only apply to videos uploaded to Shopify.
Add YouTube link
Gather the URL for your YouTube by copying it to your clipboard. In the product editor, under Media, click to open the Add media from URL dropdown.
Select Embed YouTube video, then paste the URL to the provided field.
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