Similar to a footer on a document or report, Pacific offers a fixed section that displays at the bottom of each page. Typically, the footer is the area that visitors expect to find the "fine print"—legal information such as terms and conditions and privacy policies, but also quick links and contact information.
Use the theme editor to show payment icons, add menus, include a message, show the latest tweets, and activate newsletter and social links for the footer.
Show payment icons in footer
Display which payment forms your store accepts through enabling Show payment icons. The icons that appear depend on which payment types are enabled in the Payments admin.
Show language selector
Include a language selector in the footer by selecting Show language selector.
Creating a multi-language storefront with a translation app
Show currency selector
Include a currency selector in the footer by selecting Show currency selector.
Enabling the currency selector in the footer
Customize the footer blocks
Customize the footer content with blocks for Menu, Rich text, Twitter feed, and Newsletter / social links.
Content blocks can be removed by opening the block and selecting Remove block.
The Menu block is included in the footer by default.
To feature a pair of menu columns in your footer, use the Menus block. Select the desired menus for Menu 1, then Menu 2. If you need to create new menus for this feature, go to your Navigation admin.
Rich text
The Rich text block is included in the footer by default and allows you to add a customized message to your footer. Add your copy to the Heading and Text fields. There are controls for Bold, Italic, and Links included at the top of the Text field.
Twitter feed
Add a Twitter feed block by removing one of the three preset blocks, then selecting (+) Add block and Twitter feed.
The Twitter feed option displays your store's most recent tweet. Provide a Heading, then your Username (excluding the '@' symbol) in the corresponding fields. If you also want to include retweets, enable the Show retweets option.
Newsletter and social links
The Newsletter / social links block is included in the footer by default.
Enable Show newsletter to include a signup form. All email addresses collected by this form will be added to your customer list (just click Customers in the Shopify admin).
Enable Show social links to display the connected accounts from the Social media portion of the Theme settings.