There are three header navigation layout options for the menu items in Pacific: Traditional, Inline, and Minimal.
Use the theme editor to access the theme editor layout settings, select a layout option, activate the sticky header, and set a layout for navigation links.
Access the theme editor layout settings
In the theme editor (Customize), open Header to access the Layout settings.
Select a layout option
The Traditional layout will arrange the menu items below the logo.
The Inline layout aligns the menu items to the left side. Just like the arrangement of the header tools, this setting offers a balanced and symmetrical layout, while also minimizing the header height.
The Minimal layout further reduces the header height by concealing the menu items from view. These can be accessed by selecting the left-side icon. When selected, the menu items display in the Traditional layout until a link is selected or the menu is closed by selected the X icon.
Activate the sticky header
By selecting the Enable sticky header option, the header will remain fixed at the top of the desktop browser window while the customer scrolls down the page. If Traditional is selected alongside this setting, the header will compress to a Minimal layout while scrolling. Both Inline and Minimal will remain the same as the customer scrolls down the page.
Set a layout for navigation links
To modify how the menu items display in relation to one another, you can enable Justify navigation links. This option will distribute the menu items equally to fit the space provided.